
A cohesive and strategic activation


Digitalization is about a cohesive and strategic activation of the many digital entry points and platforms where you connect with your customers – in a relevant and engaging manner. 

We help you formulate a strategic roadmap based on a strong foundation of data and business and customer insights. 

10 million annual views Website

The website is perceived as the most credible channel for marketing and communication, and with more than 10 million annual views on our clients' websites, we know what works. 

We can help you design and develop the perfect website from scratch or make the most out of your current site, depending on whether you want to leverage the website as a source of first-party data or create the perfect cohesive customer journey towards a purchase. We're familiar with all major CMS systems, but it's entirely up to you what suits your business best. We're happy to assist with the choice.  

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User Experience design (UX)

Digital tools should be both easy and delightful to use. That's why UX and digital design are central competencies for us. As a digital agency, we're accustomed to incorporating user perspectives, and before launch, our designs always undergo user testing with split testing, where together we find the strongest solution. We insist that our solutions add value in every interaction. Therefore, after launch, we follow up on user behavior through digital tools such as Google Analytics, which provides strong feedback and serves as the basis for ongoing optimization.  

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Landing Page

In conjunction with campaigns, we often develop landing pages optimized to provide users with the optimal experience and a desire to spend time with us. If a landing page can be developed on your existing infrastructure, we'll work on it. Otherwise, we have a range of suitable landing page tools we can use – without getting tangled up in Facebook or other external media tools; we insist that you should own your own data. 

System development

Our digital marketing specialists have extensive experience in developing and implementing large systems for streamlining and use in essential business processes. We build systems tailored to your company's challenges to achieve the optimal result. 

We've developed systems like CRM, RMA, customer and satisfaction surveys, recruitment systems, intranets, etc., all aimed at digitizing processes in the company to stand stronger in the market, reduce internal time, or gain a better overview of the company's performance. 

Social Media Marketing

No one can doubt the importance of social media. It's serious business that requires analysis and strategy, secure management, and a good dose of curiosity. But it requires insight into the media to compose the right media mix for each company. 

Social media is much more than branding. It's a marketing tool where, with a strong digital social media strategy, you can guide customers from leads to customers. We've developed a special ROI (Return On Investment) chart that shows you exactly what you can expect to gain from your campaign.  

Email Marketing

Are you only sending out weekly or monthly newsletters with selected messages to everyone on your email list? Then you're missing out on significant potential! Email marketing is much more than that! 

Having a clear email marketing strategy as part of the overall digital strategy is crucial to your success. 

Which automations are triggered, when, and to whom? When do you use campaign newsletters, and when don't you? And what about lead scoring? It's essential to have a plan for email marketing efforts throughout the customer journey. 

Shall we help you activate your digital entries and platforms?


Niels Henrik Duevang

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